To all of you who visit this page I thank you!
Kae’s Birthday is 20th December and will be 31 years since her earth day! On 18th March 2018 she returned to the Star Seeker! Her life was relatively short at just 29 years and 4 months however it could have been much shorter as it sadly is for many!
I am lucky to be able to share her life and her death with you all! I am lucky that Kae chose me to be her earth mother, to share her journey and walk beside her through the days before AN and the struggles and pain after it entered our lives!
Although I miss her with every cell in my body I would not want her to have suffered any more or any longer! Recovery was out of reach so all that remained was suffering and her body was so depleted.
Never underestimate the strength and power of mental health issues, problems or illness, love and support as much as you can!
Sunday evening hugs xxx