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I hope that everyone is feeling as good as they can as we finally escape from lockdown. I know that this has been such a difficult time for everyone who has any kind of mental health problems. It has been a time full of fear and the unknown so many have been seriously hampered in their path to recovery. When your control is a huge part of your illness then this is ripped away it is more than just tough. This is why I have chosen the image I have as we all want to reach for the stars and I want to remind you that they are always there even if we can’t see them, they are just behind the clouds.

Whatever the future may hold please remember how important it is to try and keep to your routines, to nurture yourself and to be kind to yourself. It might be easy to fool others but at the end of the day you cannot fool yourself. You are the one who can make the changes and move forward, or stand still. Just really try not to slip backwards.

Anorexia is a demon and only those who have had to confront it will know how hard it drives you on to do its bidding. There are a million bad things about it and it is the hardest battle you will fight, however the fight is so important and the need to keep on fighting vital.

I have heard some amazing stories of recovery and people who have gone on to live as good a life as they could have hoped for by fighting every day. There are some horrendous stories of people being mistreated as inpatients and this is why it is important that this is seen, changed and never happens again. It’s not a choice to live like this and once AN has a grip it is so much harder to fight. Early diagnosis is so important and I will keep on saying this forever!

So, I will be back soon, have a great time in the sun and its warmth. Remember that you are worth it and are amazing!

Sue x

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