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I am sitting here and out the back door I can see beautiful sunshine, just minutes ago it was torrential rain. Such is how our summer has developed this year. From 30 degrees to storms and torrential rain in what feels like the blink of an eye.

This takes me to the sadness that I feel for those who are at the place in their lives where suicide is something that they are contemplating, recovering from, damaged by or who have died. A lady I have been talking to for a few weeks now is currently with her 15 year old in hospital as her child took her second overdose yesterday. The reason for the first one has not been found and I feel that the local services have seriously let her down. Clearly this child has issues which she is unable to resolve and is, in my opinion, clearly anorexic as her control over whatever it is that troubles her. Hopefully this time they will receive the help that they need and she will be helped to deal with her issues and the cause for her distress. I sincerely hope so.

In times like these where the whole community has been affected by the severe restrictions that have been imposed on them those with mental health issues have suffered hugely. Not only suffered but in a society that stills shies away from talking about MH they have been further marginalised by the lack of support available. The NHS is struggling as we all know and MH continues to be incredibly under-staffed and unable to fulfil all the needs of their patients.

If you are struggling with any form of MH then please reach out to someone, to a charity, a phone call, a local group, anyone. Talk about how you are feeling and how you can be helped. Whether it is through an eating disorder or any other illness, social situation etc etc, there are people who care and who can help you. Please know that they are there for YOU.

For anyone who is the parent, carer or friend of someone who has an eating disorder please contact me via this page and I can listen and know how you feel as much as anyone can. I care.

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